The Importance of Curb Appeal & Paint With Mike Madson - Colorwheel Painting

Arguably the curb appeal of your home, when listed for sale, says quite a bit about who you are and what the buyer will find inside. Disorganized, dull, and dark tells a buyer that inside the "vibe" will be the same. Guest Mike Madson, owner of Colorwheel Painting, details what helps a home shine when it comes to selling your home.
Thinking of selling your home and wondering how important curb appeal plays into your sale? Guest and owner of Colorwheel Painting, Mike Madson, joins John in this very important podcast about setting up your interior & exterior to shine. 

Most people understand that presenting your "best foot forward" means everything when selling, but John & Mike talk about what to spend money & time on and what not to be too concerned about. Selling your home is about selling for the best price & terms in today's market and as quickly as possible. 

Should you focus on painting the exterior or interior or both? 
What colors are popular today?
If we do address the painting inside, how do we go about the process?

Tune in and check out this great conversation about curb appeal, painting, and setting yourself up for maximum success. RE/MAX Service First, LLC.